PITHOS (Princeton-Ioannina-Thessaly On-Site Seminars) is a collaboration of faculty at Princeton University, the University of Ioannina, and the University of Thessaly that aims to foster intellectual collaboration and exchange among scholars of ancient Greek art and archaeology. Every academic year, three graduate students are selected from each participating university to engage in faculty-led seminars, workshops, and trips in the United States and Greece organized around a yearly theme. The theme for 2025 is "Archaeology in Context: Media, Function, and Meaning.”
Doctoral students from Princeton, Ioannina, and Thessaly may submit an application by February 28, 2025. The on-site seminars for the selected students will take place from June 9-13 (Greece) and September 22-26 (Princeton). Students are expected to participate in both seminars. Airfare and lodging will be covered for participants. For more information, see “How to Apply.”

Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies at Princeton University

University of Ioannina Cultural Center at Peristera Monastery (Dourouti Campus)

University of Thessaly Conference and Cultural Center in the premises of the old Monastery of Paou (Argalasti, Pelion)